Kappa Alpha Pi Pre-Law Professional Fraternity

Kappa Alpha Pi
Founded October 9, 2007 (2007-10-09) (4 years ago)
Ann Arbor, MI
Type Professional
Scope National
Motto "Honoring those who paved the path before us, steadfastly serving those around us, and making progress for those to come"
Colors Navy Blue and Silver
Homepage Kappa Alpha Pi Website

ΚAΠ (Kappa Alpha Pi) or KAPi is a co-ed pre-law fraternity that began at The University of Michigan and was formerly associated with Phi Alpha Delta pre-law fraternity.


Declaration of Purpose

"The purpose of this Fraternity shall be to foster knowledge of the law for undergraduate students; to provide service to the greater community and campus; to promote a strong sense of fraternalism among members; to uphold the ideals and integrity of Kappa Alpha Pi Pre-Law Co-ed Fraternity; so that each member may advance his or her intellect while contributing actively to the well-being of others." [1][2]

Organization and Leadership

Kappa Alpha Pi is comprised nationally of almost 200 active members and is growing each semester with new pledge classes. While the size of each pledge class varies, the classes bond through their interest in the law, experiences they share, and the process of becoming members of Kappa Alpha Pi. Leading the pledges and the fraternity as a whole is the Executive Board. Though officer structure varies across chapters, the Executive Board consists of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Pledge Trainer (New Member Educator), Undersecretary, Service Chair, Fundraising Chair, Professional Development Chair, Social Chair, Big-Little Sib Chair, and a Historian/Webmaster.[3] This group of people, as well as guiding the fraternity throughout the year, act as ambassadors for the organization.

Campus Involvement

"Kappa Alpha Pi holds weekly meetings with speakers from various areas of the law. Kappa Alpha Pi also offers a wide variety of professional development activities, such as resume workshops, personal statement workshops, dean panels, and mentorship programs with students from the Law School. Kappa Alpha Pi also works extensively with the Career Center, Kaplan, and Princeton Review to ensure our members affordable and valuable support in their law school endeavors." [4]

Additional Chapters

In the fall of 2009, a group formerly associated with Phi Alpha Delta at the University of California, Los Angeles founded a chapter of Kappa Alpha Pi.[5]

In the fall of 2010, selected students formerly associated with Phi Alpha Delta decided to form the Gamma Chapter of Kappa Alpha Pi at the University of California, Riverside.

In Spring 2011, students formerly associated with Phi Alpha Delta left the fraternity to form the Delta Chapter of Kappa Alpha Pi at Cornell University.[6]
